Communitiy partecipation methods: a website dedicated to share data and informations about mosquitoes.

CAA Centro Agricoltura Ambiente > Meetings partecipations > Sanitary entomology and zoology > Communitiy partecipation methods: a website dedicated to share data and informations about mosquitoes.

Matrangolo C, C Venturelli, P Angelini, F Giovannini, A Albieri, R Bellini

19th ESOVE Conference,
13-17 October 2014 – Thessaloniki, Greece.

In 2007 the Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy) experienced the first Chikungunya outbreak in Europe. Following this event the Regional Group for the surveillance and control of mosquitoes and other vector species started different communication campaigns to advise, inform and alert to the problems related with vector borne diseases. An official regional website,, has been implemented and regularly updated with different aims suitable for different targets.


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