Evidence of persistant activity of West Nile Virus in the Po plain area of Italy

CAA Centro Agricoltura Ambiente > Meetings partecipations > Sanitary entomology and zoology > Evidence of persistant activity of West Nile Virus in the Po plain area of Italy

Bellini R., P.Bonilauri, P.Angelini, A.Albieri, R.Veronesi, M.Calzolari, M. Dottori, M.Tamba, L.Venturi, C.Venturelli, B.Borrini, E.Martini

11-16 October 2009, Antalya, Turkey.

In the Mediterranean basin, West Nile virus (WNV) causes sporadic outbreaks, which usually affect a low number of humans and animals, after which long periods without virus circulation occur. An hypothesis is that the virus can remain silent, circulating in a sylvatic enzootic bird-mosquito cycle and only under appropriate conditions causing new outbreaks in humans and horses.
During the late summer 2008 a large epidemic of West Nile virus occurred in North-East Italy involving an area of more than 7,000 Kmsq in 3 Regions (Lombardia, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna). This was the largest epidemic ever recorded in the country. Following the first evidence in equine and birds an active entomological surveillance plan was started by the Emilia-Romagna Surveillance Group on Vectorial Disease.


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