Arboviral survey of mosquitoes in two Northern Italian regions in 2007 and 2008

CAA Centro Agricoltura Ambiente > Scientific Papers > Sanitary entomology and zoology > Arboviral survey of mosquitoes in two Northern Italian regions in 2007 and 2008

Calzolari M., P. Bonilauri, R. Bellini, M. Caimi, F. Defilippo, G. Maioli, A. Albieri, A. Medici, R. Veronesi, R. Pilani, A. Gelati, P. Angelini, V. Parco, M. Fabbi, I. Barbieri, D. Lelli, A. Lavazza, P. Cordioli, M. Dottori

Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases DOI: 10.1089=vbz.2009.0176

Recently, Italy—particularly the Emilia-Romagna region—was the location of consecutive outbreaks of human diseases caused by the arboviruses chikungunya virus and West Nile virus. The two outbreaks, spread by different species of mosquitoes, were not related, but pointed out the lack of an arboviral surveillance program in this region. Beginning in 2007 entomological surveillance was initiated in the Emilia-Romagna region, and in 2008 the program was improved and extended at Lombardia region. Using CO2-baited traps, 65,292 mosquitoes were collected; pooled by date of collection, location, and species; macerated manually; and tested by reverse transcription (RT)-polymerase chain reaction for the presence of alphaviruses, orthobunyaviruses, and flaviviruses.
Amplicons were sequenced and employed for identification of viral RNA by basic local alignment search tool search in GenBank. Results of these assays showed (1) the presence of West Nile virus in two pools of Culex pipiens mosquitoes, (2) the presence of RNA of two orthobunyaviruses, Tahyna virus in a pool of Ochlerotatus caspius mosquitoes and Batai virus in a pool of Anopheles maculipennis mosquitoes, and (3) the presence of flavivirus RNAs in pools of Oc. caspius, Aedes albopictus, and Aedes vexans mosquitoes; the sequences of these amplicons were most closely related to flaviviruses that have been detected only in mosquitoes and had no recognized vertebrate host (Aedes flavivirus, Culex flavivirus, and Kamiti River virus).


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