Development & demonstration of management plans against -the climate change enhanced-invasive mosquitoes in Southern Europe.

CAA Centro Agricoltura Ambiente > Scientific Papers > Sanitary entomology and zoology > Development & demonstration of management plans against -the climate change enhanced-invasive mosquitoes in Southern Europe.

Bellini R, P Angelini, C Venturelli, D Venturini

Bulletin of Insectology 66(2): 319-320, 2013

A new collaborative Greek-Italian project called “Development & demonstration of management plans against -the climate change enhanced-invasive mosquitoes in Southern Europe” has been selected for the financial support of the EU Commission in the frame of the LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance program (LIFE CONOPS – LIFE12 ENV/GR/000466). CONOPS (Greek, κώνωψ=mosquito).
The starting date was the July 1st, 2013, the ending date December 31st, 2017.


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