Evaluation of a Wolbachia transinfected Aedes albopictus strain as a vector population suppression agent.

CAA Centro Agricoltura Ambiente > Meetings partecipations > Sanitary entomology and zoology > Evaluation of a Wolbachia transinfected Aedes albopictus strain as a vector population suppression agent.

Puggioli A, M Calvitti, R Moretti, R Bellini

20th ESOVE Conference,
2-7 October 2016 – Lisbon, Portugal.

ARwP Aedes albopictus line was developed thanks to the artificial infection with a heterologous Wolbachia strain, resulting in a bidirectional incompatibility pattern with wild-type Ae. albopictus. ARwP was tested for its suitability to support intensive rearing conditions as required for mass production and field release for SIT purposes.
In this study, we compared ARwP and wild-type Ae. albopictus strains, both reared under Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), evaluating the following parameters: i) male and female pupation dynamics; ii) efficiency in mechanical sexing; iii) male mating competitiveness in comparison with laboratory irradiated and wild-type males.


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