Field evaluation of AQUATAIN AMF TM as a mosquito larval and pupal control agent in different breeding sites in Northern Italy.

CAA Centro Agricoltura Ambiente > Meetings partecipations > Sanitary entomology and zoology > Field evaluation of AQUATAIN AMF TM as a mosquito larval and pupal control agent in different breeding sites in Northern Italy.

Veronesi R, M Carrieri, A Albieri, S DI Cesare, M Panziera, G Bazzocchi, R Bellini

20th ESOVE Conference,
2-7 October 2016 – Lisbon, Portugal.

Due to the Biocide directive, mosquito control is facing a serious problem of shortage in insecticide products availability. The restriction in the spectrum of insecticides may also increase the risk of resistance in target population.
New products with diversified action mechanisms are therefore required to strengthen the tools box currently available in Europe.
AQUATAIN AMF TM is a silicone based monomolecular surface film with a physical mode of action interfering with the water surface tension thus blocking the larvae and pupae normal behavior and breathing, which is considered a potential good agent for the management of mosquito larval control.
During the summer 2016 we conducted several field trials in order to evaluate the efficacy and the lasting activity of AQUATAIN AMF TM in the most important mosquito breeding sites such as rice fields, irrigation ditches and road drains in Northern Italy.


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