10th International Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics
30 November – 3 December 2025 | San Diego, USA
Topics will include:
- Within-host dynamics and immuno-epidemiology
- Evolution and phylodynamics in infectious diseases
- Ecology, Climate and infectious diseases
- Machine learning, AI and infectious diseases
- Integration of new data streams in infectious disease surveillance and transmission models, including wastewater and genomic sequences
- Dynamics and consequences of antimicrobial resistance
- Policy, economic aspects, and decision support for control and prevention
- Statistical approaches for infectious diseases
- Social, spatial, behavioural and network aspects of interaction
- Problems related to the ‘end game’ of eradication
- Zoonoses and other cross-species events
- Multi-host and multi-pathogen/parasite systems
- Forecasting and scenario projections
- Problems in vaccine-preventable infections & vaccination strategy
- Problems in neglected tropical macroparasitic disease