The relentless Covid-19 Pandemic has also affected the tick and tick-borne diseases community in many ways. For example, the 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) in Amsterdam has been postponed to 2022, nowadays it is still challenging to organize face 2 face meetings and due to the many restrictions people spend significantly more time in nature. This could prove to be a recipe for thriving numbers of individuals with tick bites and patients with tick-borne diseases.
Therefore, the ecology, prevention and management of Lyme borreliosis are more important than ever. This is the reason why the ICLB chairs and the board of the ESCMID study group on Lyme borreliosis (ESGBOR) jointly organize the 2021 virtual ICLB/ESGBOR symposium on Lyme borreliosis: from ecology to prevention. During this two-hour professional online event, hosted by Congress Care, three excellent speakers will provide us with the latest insights. Hope to see you Monday September 6th 2021 17:00-19:00 hrs. CET.