IECID 2020

Singapore Singapore, Singapore

IECID 2020 is the third meeting in the series and builds upon two previous and highly successful meetings in 2015 and 2017. The conference provides a forum for showcasing current […]

EEID 2020

Montpellier Montpellier, Francia

The venue of the meeting will be The Corum, a conference centre ideally located in the heart of Montpellier’s historic neighbourhood, easily accessed by public transportation and a very short […]

Webinar – Il controllo dei culicidi al tempo del COVID-19

L’insorgere, imprevedibile e deflagrante, dell’epidemia COVID-19 ha decisamente invertito le priorità sanitarie di questoprimosemestre 2020, posponendo le attività pianificate in precedenza e prima di tutte il controllodelle zanzare, attività imprescindibile […]

EEID 2021

Montpellier, France Montpellier, Francia

Following the cancellation of the EEID 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are delighted to announce that the meeting has been rescheduled to the 11-14 June 2021 and will […]