9th International Congress of SOVE

XLV Convegno AIE 2021 (online)

Negli ultimi decenni i sistemi sanitari dei paesi industrializzati si sono adeguati ad un quadro epidemiologico caratterizzato da una crescita progressiva della prevalenza di patologie croniche. Dopo l’emergenza pandemica da COVID-19, in un contesto di salute globale che sempre più appare doversi ispirare ad un approccio di tipo “One Health”, si dovrà in qualche modo […]


On behalf of the Organizing Committee, the Serbian Society for Parasitology and the European Federation of Parasitologists (EFP), it is my great pleasure to welcome you to the 13th European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, which will take place in Belgrade, Serbia, June 29 – July 3, 2021.We live in a rapidly changing globalized world. The ongoing […]


Murighiol, Romania Murighiol, Romania

The Tick and Tick-Borne Pathogen Conference is the biggest scientific event in the field and is organized every 3 years. We are pleased to host the 10th Tick and Tick Borne Pathogen Conference in one of the most well-preserved wetland in the world, the unique landscape of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve.

The 2021 virtual ICLB/ESGBOR symposium on Lyme borreliosis: from ecology to prevention

The relentless Covid-19 Pandemic has also affected the tick and tick-borne diseases community in many ways. For example, the 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) in Amsterdam has been postponed to 2022, nowadays it is still challenging to organize face 2 face meetings and due to the many restrictions people […]

SANA 2021

Bologna, Fiera Bologna, Italia


Anche quest’anno, nell’ambito di Resilienze Festival – Legami invisibili ATTO III – che si svolgerà dal 9 al 12 settembre 2021, il Centro Agricoltura Ambiente parteciperà con un evento rivolto ai cittadini. Il 9 settembre, infatti, alle 21.30, presso le Serre dei Giardini Margherita, Roberto Ferrari sarà protagonista di AIUTARE LE API COI NOSTRI GIARDINI, […]


Barcellona , Spagna

The ICUP Organising and Executive Committees have decided to postpone the 10th ICUP Conference planned for June 2020 in Barcelona, Spain. The Conference is now re-scheduled for September 2021, at the same location. This decision is based on the continued spread and impact of the Covid-19 virus (Corona virus). The health and safety of our […]

EMCA Xth International Conference

Vienna, Austria Vienna, Austria

Decima conferenza internazionale organizzata da European Mosquito Control Association (EMCA) di cui CAA S.r.l. è membro. The EMCA leaders did start planning the EMCA International Conference despite the Covid-19 pandemic context which makes such event planning hypothetic. However we are confident that by the end of the summer the lockdowns and travel restrictions will be […]

Zoonoses 2021 (on-line meeting)

Zoonoses 2021 – International Symposium on Zoonoses Research: From Disease Ecology to SARS-CoV-2 Due to the ongoing corona pandemic and the associated planning uncertainties regarding the implementation of face-to-face events, the Zoonoses 2021 - International Symposium on Zoonoses Research - after the very successful premiere in 2020 - will again take place online. It will […]