Convegno: il pianeta, gli insetti e noi

EEID 2020

Montpellier Montpellier, Francia

The venue of the meeting will be The Corum, a conference centre ideally located in the heart of Montpellier’s historic neighbourhood, easily accessed by public transportation and a very short walking distance from restaurants, cafes and hotels. Montpellier is home to the world’s oldest Medical School still in operation (12th century) and one of the largest […]

Webinar – Il controllo dei culicidi al tempo del COVID-19

L’insorgere, imprevedibile e deflagrante, dell’epidemia COVID-19 ha decisamente invertito le priorità sanitarie di questoprimosemestre 2020, posponendo le attività pianificate in precedenza e prima di tutte il controllodelle zanzare, attività imprescindibile nella tutela della salute pubblica. Abbiamo perciò ritenuto di estrema importanza riprendere i contenuti più significativi emersi nel Seminario di Ravenna dello scorso Novembre 2019, […]

EEID 2021

Montpellier, France Montpellier, Francia

Following the cancellation of the EEID 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are delighted to announce that the meeting has been rescheduled to the 11-14 June 2021 and will still be held in Montpellier.The current program (sessions and speakers) is maintained. A new half-day ‘COVID-19/pandemic risk’ session will be added to the programme. Please […]


Murighiol, Romania Murighiol, Romania

10th Tick and Tick Borne Pathogen Conference The Tick and Tick-Borne Pathogen Conference is the biggest scientific event in the field and is organized every 3 years. The 10th Tick and Tick Borne Pathogen Conference is hosted in one of the most well-preserved wetland in the world, the unique landscape of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve.

EMOP 2020

Belgrado, Serbia Belgrado, Serbia

The ongoing climate change, migrations of both people and animals, globalization of food and change in food habits, all favor the persistence of parasitic infections at the global level as well as their re-emergence. Welcome  to the 13th European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, which will take place in Belgrade, Serbia, 25-29 August 2020.

Insetti alla conquista del mondo | Resilienze Festival

Bologna, Le Serre - Giardini Margherita via Castiglione 134, Bologna, Italia

Insetti alla conquista del mondo. Storie (sanguinose) di biodiversità e resilienza. L’emergenza climatica insieme alla globalizzazione stanno rivoluzionando gli assetti ecologici della Terra. Specie esotiche riescono a insediarsi in ambienti per loro inediti, dove possono demolire relazioni ecologiche, trasportare virus, creare danni enormi. Capire le relazioni tra i fattori in gioco e arginare questi ospiti […]